Program at a Glance
The first part of the meeting (May 7-8) will be the 5th Numerical Galaxy Formation (NGF) Meeting in Korea, and the the second part (May 9-10) will be the AGORA mini-workshop, taking place between the annual workshops in August. While non-AGORA members are welcome to join the AGORA portion of the week, we encourage them to kindly sign up for the Collaboration (without any obligation). We will arrange an online AGORA session on May 9 to share our progress with the registered remote participants in the US and European time zones.
Special CTP+SNUARC Colloquium
On May 7 (Tue) Prof. Joel R. Primack will give a Special CTP+SNUARC Colloquium titled "Modern Cosmology: the View from the Center of the Universe" aimed at both scientists and the science-interested public (see the bottom of this page for the poster and the abstract). This Colloquium is jointly organized by the Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP) at Seoul National University (SNU), and the SNU Astronomy Research Center (SNUARC). Prof. Primack is a Distinguished Professor of Physics Emeritus at the University of California, Santa Cruz and a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is one of the key contributors to our current understanding of the makeup of the universe and has helped to establish the paradigm of cold dark matter (CDM) cosmology. He is the recipient of APS Lilienfeld Prize in 2020 for his "seminal contributions to our understanding of the formation of structure in the universe," and AAAS Abelson Prize in 2024 for his "many contributions to the scientific community, the science policy world and society writ large." Prof. Primack and his wife Nancy E. Abrams co-authored two popular books, "The View from the Center of the Universe: Discovering Our Extraordinary Place in the Cosmos" (Riverhead/Penguin) and "The New Universe and the Human Future: How a Shared Cosmology Could Transform the World" (Yale Univ. Press).
Planetarium Tour
On May 8 (Wed) we will have a chance to visit Gwanheo Cosmos Hall in Bldg 28, a latest addition to SNUARC and the College of Natural Sciences at SNU, where the vast domed ceiling comes alive with the dazzling display of the night sky. The tour will also feature a short film about the efforts to learn about our universe, made for the dome projection. More information about this visit at the end of the NGF portion of the week will be avaialble during the workshop.
Detailed Program / Talk Schedule
We encourage young researchers to use this opportunity to present their research. (Talk slots: Faculty= 20 + 5min Q&A, Postdoc: 16 + 4min Q&A, Student: 12 + 3min Q&A.)

If you'd like to view the entire photo featured on the poster, please click here.